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- <title>
- (1982) Other Maestros Of The Micro
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- <history>
- TIME--The Weekly Newsmagazine--1982 Highlights
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- <link 04339>
- <link 00016>
- <article>
- <source>Time Magazine</source>
- <hdr>
- January 3, 1983
- Other Maestros of the Micro
- </hdr>
- <body>
- <p>Salesmen and seers, they are in the vanguard of the revolution
- </p>
- <p> It took more than one man or one company, of course, to turn
- the personal computer into the engine that is powering a new
- communications revolution. Apple's Steve Jobs is the most
- famous maestro of the micro, but other personalities played key
- roles in bringing about the Year of the Machine.
- </p>
- <p>John Opel: Shaking Up the Giant
- </p>
- <p> If any three letters can be considered synonymous with
- computers, they are IBM. Still the world's dominant computer
- firm (and eighth largest industrial company in the U.S., with
- earnings of more than $3 billion in 1982), International
- Business Machines produces some 65% of the country's mainframe
- business computers and an estimated 62% of those sold worldwide.
- But in one area IBM had long been conspicuously absent. Except
- for a brief, abortive fling in the mid-1970s at selling a small
- desktop machine called the model 5100 (cost: up to nearly
- $20,000), the corporation left the personal computer field to
- upstart firms like Apple and Tandy.
- </p>
- <p> Now, under its aggressive new chief, John R. Opel, 57, IBM has
- launched itself in a new direction by marketing a small,
- low-cost personal computer. The creamy white PC (for personal
- computer), introduced in August 1981, has set a standard of
- excellence for the industry.
- </p>
- <p> Even Opel finds it all a little amazing. Says he: "Who would
- have believed ten years ago that we'd have computers in the
- home?" With his professional manner and horn-rimmed glasses--he
- is known as the Brain among colleagues--the mastermind of IBM's
- policy shift hardly seems the sort to upset an Apple cart. The
- son of a hardware-store owner of German descent, Opel joined IBM
- in his home town, Jefferson City, Mo., in 1949 after studying
- at nearby Westminster College and getting an M.B.A. from the
- University of Chicago. For ten years he ranged from the Ozarks
- to the Iowa border, selling IBM products so successfully that
- he was called to corporate headquarters in Armonk, N.Y., to
- become assistant to Tom Watson Jr., IBM's president and son of
- its founder. Opel has been on the rise ever since, becoming
- president in 1974 and chief executive officer in 1981.
- </p>
- <p> In an effort to get IBM out of a slump that had hit it in the
- late 1970s. Opel soon started shaking things up. The company
- began opening retail stores, not only to sell such staples as
- electric typewriters, but also to position it for a move into
- the fast-expanding personal computer field. In 1980 top
- management secretly gave the go-ahead to an engineering team,
- cloistered at a plant in Boca Raton, Fla., to begin designing
- a small computer (the project was code-named Acorn). Twelve
- months later, the PC was rolling off the production line.
- Breaking with tradition, IBM had used many non-IBM components:
- the TV monitor came from Taiwan, the printer from Japan and
- microprocessor from Intel Corp., a major chipmaker in which IBM
- last week acquired a 12% interest for $250 million. The
- investment was one of the largest IBM has ever made in an
- outside corporation. Software for the PC was provided by outside
- suppliers as well. To IBM's embarrassment, early users
- discovered that the PC misplaced decimal points in certain
- computations, a flaw quickly corrected. But Opel felt no need
- to be defensive. Said he: "We added real value to that machine,
- and we will add more as we go along. The performance
- characteristics are quite unique." With PCs now selling at a
- brisker rate than ever, the marketplace apparently agreed that
- IBM had built the Cadillac of the 1982 class.
- </p>
- <p>Adam Osborne: Plugging a Hole
- </p>
- <p> As a gossipy and acid-tongued columnist in the trade press,
- Adam Osborne, 43, regularly charged the microcomputer industry
- with failing to innovate or serve consumer needs. Finally, in
- 1982 Osborne decided to produce his own personal computer. A
- year later the Osborne 1 appeared. Weighing only 24 lbs., it was
- packaged in a plastic case, could be tucked under an airline
- seat and carried a price tag of $1,795, including a valuable
- library of software. The erstwhile heckler had produced the
- first truly portable business computer.
- </p>
- <p> Scoffers said that the box-shaped beast resembled a World War
- II field radio. But it had all the features of a higher-priced
- computer: a detachable keyboard, a screen (albeit only 5 in.
- diagonal), 64K of memory and two built-in disc drives to run
- and store programs. It also filled a need. Says Osborne: "I saw
- a truck-sized hole in the industry, and I plugged it." Even
- Jobs, often a target of Osborne's stings, professed admiration
- for his entrepreneurial talent.
- </p>
- <p> Osborne was born in Bangkok to British parents; his father, a
- somewhat eccentric professor, spent much of his time trying to
- convert Christians to Hinduism. Osborne earned a doctorate in
- chemical engineering and worked for Shell Oil Co. before
- quitting to become a computer consultant and industry gadfly.
- His self-published book, An Introduction to Micro-computers,
- sold so well (300,000 copies) that he set up his own trade
- publishing company, which McGraw-Hill later bought.
- </p>
- <p> Osborne needed only four months to build a prototype. He limited
- his designer to cheap, easily obtainable parts. It takes just
- 40 screws and 68 minutes to assemble an Osborne 1. Says a
- company executive: "We've out-Japanesed the Japanese." In fact,
- the Osborne is so successful that it is spawning imitators, some
- perhaps better than the original. Ever the optimist, Osborne is
- preparing to counter with a new portable. Asked about one
- possible rival from a new Texas firm, he replies, "We'll kill
- that machine dead, dead, dead."
- </p>
- <p>Daniel Bricklin: Software-Hard Cash
- </p>
- <p> The idea dawned on Daniel Bricklin in 1978, while he was
- looking blear-eyed at blackboards filled with columns of numbers
- during classes at the Harvard Business School. The professor
- would be engaged in one of those "what-if," or spread sheet,
- exercises in corporate financial planning for which the B School
- is famed. Every time a figure in one of the columns was changed,
- those in several other columns had to be recalculated as well.
- "Just one mistake on my calculator," recalls Bricklin, 31, "and
- I would end up moaning. `My God, I got the whole series of
- numbers wrong!'"
- </p>
- <p> That winter Bricklin, an M.I.T. graduate and confessed computer
- "nerd" since his teens in Philadelphia, and an M.I.T. buddy,
- Bob Frankston, 33, worked day and night to develop a program for
- doing such number crunching on a small computer. The result was
- an electronic spread sheet: VisiCalc (visible calculator).
- Initially, VisiCalc got a lukewarm reception from computer
- stores. But when another B School grad, Daniel Fylstra, 31, who
- had just started up his own company, Personal Software Inc.,
- stepped up the marketing, VisiCalc took off. Word began to get
- out about its enormous powers. With only a few presses of a
- computer's keys, VisiCalc could show what effects a change, say,
- an increase in salary for certain employees, might have on a
- company's costs, dividends and profits.
- </p>
- <p> Some 400,000 copies of VisiCalc have been sold (retail price:
- $200 and up, depending on the version), making it the hottest
- piece of software, other than games, ever produced for the
- personal computer. It is also probably the most widely pirated
- and imitated (the rip-offs are nicknamed "VisiClones" and
- "CalcAlikes"). Sighs Bricklin: "I suppose if imitation is
- flattery, we've been flattered quite a bit." Headquartered in
- a refurbished chocolate factory in the Boston suburb of
- Wellesley, Mass., Bricklin's firm, Software Arts, now has more
- than 80 employees, as many computer terminals as phones, and
- excellent prospects (1982's revenues of $7 million were almost
- double the previous year's). Bricklin and his partner,
- Frankston, are planning a host of new computer software,
- including a math program called TK!Solver (after the
- proofreader's abbreviation for "to come"). They hope it will do
- for business and scientific models what VisiCalc does for spread
- sheets.
- </p>
- <p>Jack Tramiel: Survivor's Victory
- </p>
- <p> There is no feistier figure in the personal computer business
- than Jack Tramiel, 54, president of Commodore International,
- whose PET (Personal Electronic Transactor) computer is the
- largest seller in Europe and one of the big four in the U.S.
- along with Apple, Radio Shack and IBM. Unwilling to be trammeled
- by cheaper imports, he called together investors a few years ago
- and said, "Gentlemen, we must build and sell a color computer
- for under $300." When the investors balked, Tramiel pounded the
- table and said that if they did not produce such a machine, the
- Japanese would. The result of that Tramiel browbeating is
- Commodore's VIC 20 (list price: $299, but available for as
- little as $170), one of the most widely sold computers ever
- built.
- </p>
- <p> The dynamo behind the little machine is something of a mighty
- mite himself. Short (5 ft. 4 in.) and stocky, the Polish-born
- Tramiel is hot-tempered, keeps his executive echelons in
- turmoil, avoids photographers (colleagues have dubbed him "the
- Howard Hughes of computerdom") and calls himself a "graduate
- survivor." During World War II he was sent by the Nazis to
- Auschwitz. After Soviet troops liberated the death camp, he
- worked for the U.S. Army repairing typewriters. Then he went
- into business on his own, eventually getting into the
- manufacture of pocket calculators.
- </p>
- <p> Tramiel believes in depending on as few outside suppliers as
- possible. Commodore makes its own chips to avoid being caught
- in a supply or pricing crunch. A ferocious competitor, Tramiel
- once splashed full-page ads in major newspapers across the U.S.
- that proclaimed, COMMODORE ATE THE APPLE. For several years, to
- capture the important education market, he offered schools two
- PETs for the price of one.
- </p>
- <p> In September the Norristown, Penn., firm brought out its latest
- small computer, the Commodore 64. It lists at $595, less than
- half the price of the Apple II Plus, but comes with a third more
- memory. Tramiel believes he has still more aces up his sleeve.
- At January's big consumer electronics show in Las Vegas,
- Commodore plans to show off a new voice-synthesis device that
- will enable users of its computers to create speech.
- </p>
- <p>Clive Sinclair: Small Is Beautiful
- </p>
- <p> Ever since he was a youngster in England, Clive Sinclair, 42,
- has had big thoughts about little things. At twelve, he built
- small mechanical calculators. At 22, after a brief stint as
- a science writer and editor specializing in home electronics,
- Sinclair and his wife Anne set up a mail-order house selling
- transistors and later kits for miniradios no bigger than
- matchboxes. In the 1970s he made one of the earliest pocket
- calculators with advanced mathematical functions, designed a
- pioneering, inexpensive digital wristwatch, and introduced a
- tiny TV with a 2-in. screen. Ahead of their time, none survived
- very long.
- </p>
- <p> But the balding, bearded and largely self-taught Sinclair (he
- passed up the university) kept thinking small. In 1980 he
- introduced the world's littlest and cheapest personal computer,
- the Sinclair ZX80. Last September a more sophisticated version
- of the ZX80 made its debut in the U.S. as the Timex Sinclair
- 1000 (list price: $99). Since then, the 12-oz. units have been
- in a race with Commodore for top spot in worldwide computer
- sales.
- </p>
- <p> Although it has only a minuscule memory (2K) and nothing more
- than pressure points for keys, Sinclair's mini-micro has opened
- the doors to computing for thousands of novices. It is powerful
- enough to handle family budgets, do math homework and play
- simple games. Available at discount for as little as $77.95, it
- has even won plaudits from the makers of higher-priced rivals.
- Reasons an Apple spokesman: "After people operate it for a
- while and find computers aren't threatening, they'll move up."
- </p>
- <p> Determined as ever to make it in the small world, Sinclair plans
- to bring out another tiny TV, this one only slightly bigger than
- a pack of cards. Its ingenious flattened tube will later be
- built into his computer, thereby eliminating the need to hook
- it up to an external monitor. Sinclair, who relishes racing
- around in his two Porsches, is also trying to develop an
- electric car for slow (30 m.p.h.) urban driving--mini-size, of
- course. Nowadays he spends far fewer hours in his company's labs
- in Cambridge than he once did. Says Sinclair: "Much of my work
- consists of thinking, and that can be done anywhere, including
- bed."
- </p>
- <p>-- By Frederic Golden
- </p>
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